'Twas the day before turkeys, and all through the house,
He was pecking on keyboard and clicking on mouse.
His calls and his gear were spread out on the floor,
The calling: his wife couldn't stand it no more.
The excitement had pent up for nearly a year;
T'was reaching full boil and hitting high gear.
He'd dreamed and he'd planned for this day for so long,
And the yearning for gobbles was heavy and strong.
His gun and his shells and his boots and his vest,
Were set by the door while he laid down to rest.
As much as he wanted to drift off to sleep,
His mind was so ready to jump in the Jeep,
And drive to the place that was so dear to him,
Hoping a gobbler'd sound off on the limb.
As he lay with eyes open and mind churning 'round,
His wife was a'snoring, asleep in her gown.
"Please mind! Settle down! I need me some rest!
"All is okay -- everything's in my vest."
And with that and a sigh, his mind settled down,
And next thing he knew was his clock's alarm sound!
Yes! It is here! The day's finally come!
For the next 4 weeks I'm a real turkey bum!
So, boys, in the morning, I wish you good luck,
And hope that you take one back home in the truck!