After seeing the Hornady sabots in the local sporting goods store one afternoon I went home and did some research. I found that others were really impressed with these new bullets so I went back the next day and picked up two boxes of them. Then came a trip to the range the following weekend. I was happy with their performance on paper as only minor adjustments were needed to get them grouping literally on top of each other. I also had the pleasure of taking three deer this past season with these bullets and with the results I won't be changing for sometime now! Every one of the shots resulted in a pass through and the lethality was exceptional as each of these animals dropped within 50 yards or less of where they were shot. I was shooting the 300-grain sabots and had my rifle zeroed at 100 yards as most of my shots are within that range. If you look at the ballistics for this bullet they are very impressive. Hornady recommends to zero them 3 inches high at 100 yards, making your shot at 200 yards be 3 inches low. That's a 6-inch spread from 0 to 200 yards...not bad if you ask me for a muzzleloader! I plan to get back to the range and do as suggested by Hornady so I can be more comfortable with a longer shot this coming year if one presents itself to me. If you want to take a look at the ballistics for yourself you can find them here.
-Paul Nicolucci