Well, not really, but these guys fishing off the NC coast got the surprise of a lifetime (for down here at least) - and video to boot - when this 18-foot Great White came swimming right by their boat. Check out the article from WRAL on this as well as the video below.
Last Wednesday I was able to get out to Owasco Lake and do a morning of duck hunting with my buddy Brian and his younger brother. The morning was a brisk one: heavy rain, 10-15 mile-an-hour winds with 30 mile-an-hour gusts coming from the N/NE and temperatures in the mid to high 30's! Most people would probably have stayed in bed but I've had good luck in the past on rainy, overcast days hunting for ducks, so we decided this morning should be no different.
The morning started around 5:30 a.m. when we got our decoys out in the water and our blind situated on the shore of the lake. By the time legal shooting time rolled around there were a good number of ducks flying down the lake, with a few pairs eying our decoys. But, and this is a big but, the wind speed and direction were working against us in this regard. We were, however, able to harvest one Mallard drake. Once the wind died down by mid-morning, the birds had slowed their flight down the lake, but we did have one more single Mallard come into our decoys and he never made it back out! I wish I could have gotten a picture of him but unfortunately I only had my cell phone with me and I had dropped it in a puddle at the gas station getting coffee and breakfast for my hunting partners, and since water and technology usually don't mix, it was not functioning most of the day. He had three curls on his tail feathers though and was also a pretty hefty bird with very bright colors, one of the best looking Mallards I've seen in awhile! Overall it was a great day hunting. Keep an eye out for my next post which will have multiple photos of another more successful Duck hunt last I also made it out deer hunting on Tuesday, however I only saw three does and none of them gave me a shot (they were quite a ways away from me when I saw them). -Paul Nicolucci While most look forward to eating turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce whenever the 4th Thursday in November rolls around, I am sure I am not alone when I say that as a hunter I look forward to getting out in the field that Holiday weekend. This year was no different as I was able to get out to hunt on Wednesday afternoon and Thanksgiving morning, both hunts happening in the small strip of woods behind my grandfathers house in the foothills of North Carolina. Not my typical hunting grounds, I've walked around those woods ever since I was just a little boy who never thought I'd have a beard (now at 26 that has changed, having not shaved since early October!), so I know them like the back of my hand. Sitting in that ladder stand watching the creek bottom, hardwood ridge and thickets, I was able to relax and unwind, letting the past 14 days of work leave my mind. And I am pretty sure I daydreamed about all those Indiana deer (especially the two big bucks!) I saw just a few days earlier, hoping their Southern cousin who made the rubs just a few yards from me would come strolling by. As luck would have it, he didn't, nor did any of his female counterparts, but those two hunts were exciting as always. Especially when one squirrel decided he wanted to come up the tree my stand was in to get a better look at me. It's amazing how curious some can be while others will take off up a tree at the slightest movement. I hope everyone has had and will continue to have a happy Thanksgiving and be safe in all their outdoors adventures!
-C.B. ![]() The opening weekend of the regular gun season in New York was this past Saturday and Sunday. I had four people in my hunting party on a parcel of private land that we have been hunting for years. Saturday was a very successful day with 5 deer making it to our garage; below is how they got there. Saturday was a very clear and unseasonably warm day with temperatures in the 50's. I arrived to my stand around 6 a.m.; we had our first deer down by mid morning. My grandfather, for the first time in his hunting career, had the pleasure of taking three deer in one day! He shot two does and a 5 point buck by the day's end! He was as excited as I've ever seen him while hunting, as he should have been since it's a great accomplishment to successfully take that many deer in one day. We will not have empty freezers any time soon to say the least! My step dad Doug was also able to take a nice doe on Saturday. And then there was me. I was successful in taking a 6 point buck as well! Take a look at the attached photos of him while I fill you in on what happened. He came into sight around noon. I missed him on my first shot and he ran closer, presenting another shot to me which I gladly took! The journey ended with the deer laying about 40 yards from my tree stand! Now that I have my buck tag filled in NY I'm doe hunting for the rest of the time here. I will hopefully not have much trouble filling these tags as I saw many does on opening day, counting 9 deer - including the buck I took - throughout the day. I'll continue to try and keep our readers updated on my hunts as they occur. I plan to get out tomorrow morning and do some more deer hunting and then have a duck hunt planned for Wednesday! I hope everyone else is having some success! Please let us know via a comment on this post if you have any stories to share with us, or even some pictures! We'd love to post them and share with others! -Paul Nicolucci I'm currently in the process of preparing for an out of state hunt in New York, heading up there tomorrow night and staying until the Sunday after Thanksgiving. I make this trip every year for the opening week of the regular season and have three permits in hand: two doe permits and a buck permit!
I'm going to be hunting on land I've hunted for many years (it is all private land so a bit different from the usual hunting that Cory and I do in NC). I've had great success over the last couple of years, so be on the lookout for hunt recaps and photos of some great deer (fingers crossed)! I've also planned a couple of duck hunts on Owasco Lake this year! The spot I'm hunting has been pretty good to me so far and I'm hoping nothing will change that fact this time around. All that being said, I always forget how hard it is to get all the gear you need together for an out of state hunt. Needless to say I have my hands full right now with work and trying to get everything packed. Wish me luck :) Happy Hunting! -Paul Nicolucci Wow, time flies when you are busy with work and try to squeeze in hunts. Makes me forget that I need to put my hunts into print when they are all said and done so I can share them with you guys and look back on them days, months and even years later. All that being said, let me fill you guys in on how my first muzzleloader hunt of the year went back at the end of October.
I was able to get out for the last weekend of the Central muzzleloader season here in NC on Saturday. I hunted a spot where I had success with the bow last year, waking up to some great cold morning weather with a temperature of about 37 degrees! I arrived to the parking area and found one other guy who was hunting with his bow and had a quick conversation with him to see where he planned to hunt. Quick piece of advice: It's always a good idea to do this so that you don't hunt too closely to someone else and you especially need to know where everyone is, if possible, when on public land.
I got to my stand location at around 7 a.m. and settled into my tree as the sun was rising! The sun came up and the birds started to chirp...but no deer! I heard a few shots in the distance and by noon I had not heard much action for a couple of hours, so I packed it up for the day; but hey, a day in the woods is better than a day in the office! Even though I did not get a shot or even see a deer, it was still a very enjoyable morning. Especially since I find sitting in a tree one of the most relaxing things I do! -Paul Nicolucci As we enter the prime time of deer season, my mind has been wandering around thinking of my outdoor plans once the season ends at the first of the new year. Ducks will need hunted, coyotes will be chased, pheasants will be kicked up and maybe a hog or two will hit the ground. All that being said, this is an open invite to anyone who wants to join the Inside Out team on these upcoming adventures. Know a great spot in the southeast for us to come hunt hogs? Let us know! Want to tag along on a waterfowl hunt in North Carolina? All you have to do is drop us a line. Ever wanted to try your hand at hunting pheasants...on the coast!?!? Guess what, me too and it's why I am planning on making a trip to the Outer Banks to give it a shot. So go ahead and accept our invite, we are looking forward to it!
-C.B. So the new regulation in NC that allows anyone to buy and hunt with a crossbow during all open deer seasons has really sparked my interest! However, since this is fairly new to the NC area I'm having a hard time finding good reviews on crossbows. Still, I'm really considering the idea of picking one up during the off-season and using it next year! With that being said, does anyone have any suggestions? From what I've read I'm leaning towards TenPoint as they seem to have quite a line-up of cross bows, with a varied price range from $600 all the way to $2K!
Do any of you use a crossbow? If so, can you share your experiences with us? We'd love to hear about them and get some advice from our readers! Thanks for the input!!! -Paul Nicolucci |
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