I'd like to take this series of posts to explain not only the equipment you need for processing your own venison, but also the technique used to do it properly.
In Part 2, "Equipment", I'd like to take to explain all of the necessary equipment and give some examples of what I use, as well as give an estimated initial cost for getting into personal meat processing.
In "From Field to Table", part 3 of the series, I'll explain the basics of meat cutting and how important it is to take good care of your game all the way from the field to the table.
Part 4, entitled "The Basic Cuts of Meat", will see me diagram and explain the different cuts of venison that you will commonly hear of.
The name says it all for Part 5: "Sausage and Burger Making".
When we finally reach Part 6, you'll see why it is simply called the "Video Example" entry: Once we have all of the basics down, I'll try to get a nice video posted with some real samples of myself and Cory butchering a deer. Pending a good season of course ;).
If you have any other suggestions for this series please feel free to comment and I'll incorporate your suggestions into the series of posts.
-Paul Nicolucci