After a good hour from the time I got to the lake shore to the time I got settled in, the sweat was pouring off me. Luckily I carry field wipes, so I wiped down with them and sprayed off with some scent spray to at least give me a little confidence my odor might at least not smell as bad (and to just cool off further - plus the wind was in my favor for where I expected them to come from). The evening was an eventful one with birds flying about, a chorus of frogs striking up, bass and carp feeding in the shallows of the high lake water and at 6:00 p.m. two does who decided to come running by behind me and not stopping to even let me get a good look at them as they ran through the bottom and across the creek 15 yards away. Then at 7:15 while having just stood up for the final 30 minutes of shooting time, I glassed the open pines to my left and lo and behold there was a doe browsing in them just 60 yards away. I watched her the next ten minutes slowly ease her way along, feeding on the grown up bushes that covered the hillside. I thought she was going to come in but it wasn't to be and as darkness settled in I climbed down and headed back to the truck, noticing a distinct rutting buck smell at one particular crossing of the road bed on the way out.
Friday morning saw me sleep-in and hunt at midday so I could get back to Charlotte to eat dinner with friends. Sneaking in at 9:00 a.m. at the same hunting area as the night before, when I got to the crossing mentioned above imagine my surprise (not!) to see a fresh rub on a cedar just off the road as well as a few other smaller rubs in the same spot. It just so happened they were at were I had planned on hunting anyway so I backed off the road around 75 yards staying against the small, thick pines when I set-up 15 feet up in a white oak overlooking an oak plateau. The birds were out yet again as a squirrel and I had a stare off for well over an hour. Throw in a praying mantis landing next to my leg and it was another interesting day out in the woods. I never saw a deer but while doing a little scouting after climbing down at 2:30 I ran across some scrapes a few days old. Needless to say I know where I am hunting next week when I head back out there with my CVA! All-in-all those two hunts were much needed to get away from life for a bit and just relax doing something I love. It also didn't hurt that I tripled my deer sightings from last year and reinforced that, yes, I actually do know what I am doing. Here's to hoping the deer keep showing up for me and I get a chance or two to fill the freezer, Lord knows I need it after the lackluster of a hunting season I had last year!