Your novels and short stories have had an overwhelming amount of inspiration over me. The thrilling novels of African safaris and exotic destinations that you write about have pushed me to pursue the same life that you write about and live. However, although I know your soul through your writing, I still don't know the real you. So with that, I have a few questions I would like to ask you. I know you are a heavy drinker, but I was wondering if you had the choice, would you still drink or quit all together? Another thing I would like to know is what you would like people to remember you by. I would be very pleased if you could find time in your busy schedule to answer these questions.
My appreciation would be overflowing if you would read my letter and consider answering the questions that I have asked. Again, I cannot say it enough that I am very thankful for the inspiration you have given me through your writing as well as the time you took to read this letter. Good luck in future decisions and safaris!
Cory Bowman