I'm a little late getting these out to your guys this week, but better late than never I always say, whether its fishing, hunting or hitting the slopes in search of powder to ski in. First up is a little taste of kayaking with a pretty cool video I found on Go Pro's site. I love these little cameras if it's not obvious as I keep posting video's made using them, but what you can do with them is nothing short of amazing considering how small they are. After that I'm setting the stage to get that hunting fire stoked in you, starting with the season 2 trailer for Hallowed Ground Outdoors and last but not least a video showcasing what the website GetOuttaBounds is all about (I will definitely be bookmarking it and going there every time I hop on the internet, I suggest you do the same!). Enjoy all three of them after the break!
Go Pro. Hero HD 2. Stunning footage, great cinematography and an all-around awesome video. Enjoy!
-C.B. Ah the last days of June and down here in NC we are going to be dealing with a scorcher after being spoiled the last two days with perfect Summer weather here in the South. Hopefully this video of the 2010 Teva Mountain Games' Kayaking Competition by Go Pro cools you off some just by watching it!
-C.B. Wednesday means it's Video of the Week time and for this week we turn to the boys over at Montana Wild. They put together a (long) short about fly fishing in the crystal clear trout waters of their beautiful state, so without further ado here ya go!
-C.B. I've been wanting to get more multimedia on the site for a while now and after finally getting around to doing so (also known as not being lazy), I've decided that a weekly thing would be a good thing to bring to our readers. With that said, from now on, Wednesdays will see us bringing you the video of the week. Either something Inside Out Outdoors has put together or a video we found online that we really think you would like to see, hopefully you'll like what you see. And if not, as always, leave us a comment on the blog post and tell us what you DO want to see from us. Also, be on the lookout on Friday's for the picture of the week. The same idea as the video of the week, it'll be a picture that either we've taken or found online and want to share with you guys. Up first for video of the week is a quick little clip of our buddy Chris and myself shooting our bows last summer that I put together while bored and working on the road earlier this year. Oh, and be ready to feel like you are in the 1910's as this clip has no sound (if only it was the next Casablanca!).
-C.B. As I talked about before, I have a Browning BPS that I've been wanting to get some trigger work performed on. I've finally found some time to get the trigger assembly out of the gun and thought I would share a little of the experience with you, starting with a couple of videos online that I wanted to share as they were pretty informative. The one below is the first in the series; there are two other parts by the same guy which can be found on his Youtube page. Now that I've gotten the trigger assembly out of my gun, I'll be sending it off off to Precision Sports this weekend. Once I have it back and have had a chance to do some shooting I'll report back to you guys about the newly (hopefully) improved trigger! -Paul Nicolucci Well, not really, but these guys fishing off the NC coast got the surprise of a lifetime (for down here at least) - and video to boot - when this 18-foot Great White came swimming right by their boat. Check out the article from WRAL on this as well as the video below.
-C.B. I came across this video on You Tube via HuntDucks.com Facebook page. Check them out on their website as well as the Facebook page. They have some cool stuff at both! This is one of the best duck hunting videos I have seen to date so I figured I would share it with everyone! If anyone comes across other videos share them with us we always love to see them!
-Paul Nicolucci As you know from my blog post Saturday night, we were out stomping around a section of the Butner-Falls of Neuse that morning and I decided to take advantage of us putting some miles on our boots to get some video with my Go Pro. So without further ado, here is our first short video for the year. -C.B. |
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Sometimes the great ideas that we have just need something to bring them to the forefront. The Inside Out team will be putting our talents to work and sharing our knowledge and love of the outdoors with anyone who wants to listen. Archives
June 2016
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Fishing Fury GoBlog (Get Outdoors) Grants Blog (Growing Deer TV) Huntography Hunt Like Your Hungry inFOCUS (Campbell Cameras) inMotion (Heartland Bowhunter) Make It Happen Outdoors Outdoor Freaks Sole Adventure Taking a Walk on the Wild Side The Rivah Blog The Will to Hunt Wired to Hunt |