February 1: Spring waterfowl migrations begin.
February 2: Groundhogs are still hibernating, so you probably won't see one out seeking its shadow (though it is possible on a warm day).
February 3: Atlantic sturgeon are migrating to their upriver spawning areas.
February 4: Youth Waterfowl Day (Take a kid hunting)
February 6: The Neuse River waterdog, a large, permanently aquatic salamander found only in the Neuse and Tar river systems, is most readily encountered during this time of year.
February 11: Gray squirrel litters are born.
February 14: VALENTINES DAY!!!!
February 15: Spotted and mole salamanders breed in temporary woodland pools with the first heavy rains.
February 16: Wood ducks are seeking out nest sites.
February 17: Rainbow trout are spawning.
February 21: Four-toed salamanders begin nesting. These uncommon amphibians conceal their eggs in moss hummocks or sedge tussocks around temporary pools, usually remaining with the eggs until they hatch.
February 23: Gopher frogs begin breeding in the Coastal Plain and Sandhills.
February 26: American toads begin calling in the Piedmont.
February 27: Brook trout eggs are hatching.
February 28: Pickerel frogs are breeding.
February 29: Hunting season ends for Bobcat, Crow, Quail, Rabbit, and both Gray and Red squirrel.